Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Recommendation from IT department to CEO about SARS Virus-2013 Essay

Suggestion from IT division to CEO about SARS Virus-2013 - Essay Example ymptoms: Provided that SARS flare-up is affirmed, it is conceivable, whether or not a case is recognized or not for the IT division to investigate from different clinical databases the manifestations of SARS infection. This methodology would guarantee the organization can direct an analysis procedure to seclude the wellbeing partners from the contaminated and to contain farther spreading of the infection (Berkman, 2007). b. Exploration on infection the executives: Since the infection is accounted for to have been recognized, the IT division is liable for investigating infection the executives procedures to help in the regulation of the infection from spreading to solid people (Berkman, 2007). c. Isolate techniques and details: The IT division can assume the job of investigating and creating models of isolate units inside the association to help in confining tainted cases from uninfected ones. Moreover, this procedure would guarantee that no contaminated cases leave the premises without proficient assessment (Berkman, 2007). d. Formative examination for infection filter: The IT division in a joint effort with clinical experts can research, plan, and build up a program for checking partners of the infection to guarantee new cases are not brought into the premises and flow victims don't evade isolate (Berkman, 2007). Berkman, BE. (2007). Moral and Legal Considerations in Mitigating Pandemic Disease: Strategies for Disease Containment. Gotten to online on February 17, 2015 from

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Election of Byron Looper and Tommy Burks essays

The Election of Byron Looper and Tommy Burks expositions In 1998, a political decision for state Senate wound up being the most exceedingly terrible political decision that Tennessee had ever seen. Consistently, this political race is the one that everybody will recall for quite a while. Experiencing a political decision can be exceptionally upsetting and hard, yet nothing could give somebody motivation to kill someone else, to win a political decision. In 1998, there were numerous up-and-comers running for political race in October. One of the most famous decisions that were going on as of now was the state senate. Two men by the names of Tommy Burks and Byron Looper were both in the race. Byron Looper was forty-seven years of age with a spouse and two children. This was the main political decision he had ever run for, managing the state senate. At the age of fifty-eight, Tommy Burks served four terms in the state House of Representatives before being chosen for the Senate in 1978 (Thompson 2). He was running for re-appointment to the Sen ate in the 1998 political decision. Congressperson Burks was regarded for his genuineness and difficult work, both in his cultivating activity and his work in the state lawmaking body. He was a 1963 alumni of Tennessee Technological University and had been respected by the University with grants. Tommy Burks likewise filled in as an executive of the TTU Agriculture Foundation (Thompson 2). On October 19, 1998 State Senator Tommy Burks was killed on a street on his homestead only east of Monterey, TN., getting ready to take a neighborhood younger students on a field outing to his pumpkin fix (Fleming 1). Accordingly demonstrating Tennessee how he thought about children in the network and his adoration for his occupation. Tommy Burks, a long-lasting state official, was a rancher and was en route to his animal dwellingplace, going along a street close to the segment of the huge homestead Where his girl, Kim Blaylock, lives when he was shot to death. Representative Tommy Burks was discovered sitting in his Pickup truck headed straight toward the outbuilding (Fleming 1). News offices were detailing that Burks was shot twice, one in the chest, the other, I... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

English Local Government Example

English Local Government Example English Local Government â€" Essay Example > The spread of democratic ideas and subsequently ideals, and the emergence of a global system of economy and politics because of complex interdependence have contributed to the resurgence of the local government. One of the major forms of decentralization in the twentieth century has been the break up of empires and colonies into nation- states, the most recent example being the break up of the Soviet Union and the separation of Kosovo from Serbia. The pressure for pursuing and adopting democracy as a political ideology and system has led to a new emphasis on local governance below the level of the nation- state. The rise of the global political economy has provided localities with another alternative to the traditional national capitals that have existed for quite some time now. According to Teune, although the patterns of local governance have similar features of provincial and local governments, the push for democracy will give local politics a greater role in the issues of peac e and prosperity than has been true during the long recent period of the rise in authority of nation- states. Local governments and domestic politics have become focal points of current day democratic political development. The two primary reasons for this are: firstly, the beginnings of a second democratic revolution that is solely based on participation, and secondly, the emergence of a global political economy that defines local conditions for peace and prosperity. The former requires local self determination rather than top- bottom direction whereas the latter frees localities from national governments by providing alternatives for resources and support; the new sources being other countries or international agencies. The question and perhaps the existence of local democracies have become crucial in the newly established democracies, whose shaky and rather weak national democratic institutions are based on weak traditions of local autonomy. Many former Communist countries of c entral and Eastern Europe and Central Asia are in the complex processes of just establishing democratic institutions. However, what are lacking in these countries are structures of civic societies- private associations, political parties, and interest groups which, in most of the cases were destroyed by totalitarian political regimes. Other parts of the world are also under global pressures to become more democratic by altering the course of their efforts of the past decades to develop politically by building stronger states and effective, rational national policies for economic growth and welfare for the poor. Moreover, there is a new democratically established Latin America, democratically elected governments are being established in southern Africa, and several former authoritarian countries in Asia are taking effective steps from the top down to become more democratic. In addition, heavy welfare states in Northern Europe have been forced to reduce the economic role of central g overnments in order to participate in newer European political institutions. In the United States, the debate over federalism and the role of the government has again gained substantial momentum in the political agenda. However, throughout the last two decades, Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland had gained notoriety as one of the most centralized nation- state societies in Europe. Shortly after New Labor’s landslide leap to power in 1997, this unitary but multinational state was granted with a comprehensive program of constitutional ‘modernization’ consisting of an elected Parliament for Scotland, a National Assembly for Wales, an Assembly for Northern Ireland, an elected Assembly and Mayor for London, along with Regional Development Agencies for the eight English regions (MacLeod). In becoming more decentralized and when it comes to local and regional politics, the big question arises whether or not the local and regional media exercise powe r without any responsibility.

English Local Government Example

English Local Government Example English Local Government â€" Essay Example > The spread of democratic ideas and subsequently ideals, and the emergence of a global system of economy and politics because of complex interdependence have contributed to the resurgence of the local government. One of the major forms of decentralization in the twentieth century has been the break up of empires and colonies into nation- states, the most recent example being the break up of the Soviet Union and the separation of Kosovo from Serbia. The pressure for pursuing and adopting democracy as a political ideology and system has led to a new emphasis on local governance below the level of the nation- state. The rise of the global political economy has provided localities with another alternative to the traditional national capitals that have existed for quite some time now. According to Teune, although the patterns of local governance have similar features of provincial and local governments, the push for democracy will give local politics a greater role in the issues of peac e and prosperity than has been true during the long recent period of the rise in authority of nation- states. Local governments and domestic politics have become focal points of current day democratic political development. The two primary reasons for this are: firstly, the beginnings of a second democratic revolution that is solely based on participation, and secondly, the emergence of a global political economy that defines local conditions for peace and prosperity. The former requires local self determination rather than top- bottom direction whereas the latter frees localities from national governments by providing alternatives for resources and support; the new sources being other countries or international agencies. The question and perhaps the existence of local democracies have become crucial in the newly established democracies, whose shaky and rather weak national democratic institutions are based on weak traditions of local autonomy. Many former Communist countries of c entral and Eastern Europe and Central Asia are in the complex processes of just establishing democratic institutions. However, what are lacking in these countries are structures of civic societies- private associations, political parties, and interest groups which, in most of the cases were destroyed by totalitarian political regimes. Other parts of the world are also under global pressures to become more democratic by altering the course of their efforts of the past decades to develop politically by building stronger states and effective, rational national policies for economic growth and welfare for the poor. Moreover, there is a new democratically established Latin America, democratically elected governments are being established in southern Africa, and several former authoritarian countries in Asia are taking effective steps from the top down to become more democratic. In addition, heavy welfare states in Northern Europe have been forced to reduce the economic role of central g overnments in order to participate in newer European political institutions. In the United States, the debate over federalism and the role of the government has again gained substantial momentum in the political agenda. However, throughout the last two decades, Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland had gained notoriety as one of the most centralized nation- state societies in Europe. Shortly after New Labor’s landslide leap to power in 1997, this unitary but multinational state was granted with a comprehensive program of constitutional ‘modernization’ consisting of an elected Parliament for Scotland, a National Assembly for Wales, an Assembly for Northern Ireland, an elected Assembly and Mayor for London, along with Regional Development Agencies for the eight English regions (MacLeod). In becoming more decentralized and when it comes to local and regional politics, the big question arises whether or not the local and regional media exercise powe r without any responsibility.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Domestic Violence Against Women - 1130 Words

Oregon joined and became the first state to mandate arrest for domestic violence cases. States kept adding to the list and as of 1983, there were more than 700 shelters for abused women across the country. The number of shelters kept increasing, as did the organizations intended to assist the victims of domestic violence. After 1986 that the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month was first held in October, the United Nations included violence against women as a human rights violation in 1993. The next year, the US Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act and services started being offered for victims of rape and domestic violence. Police training for these issues was given. However, since domestic violence cases did not decrease, in 2012 national leader movements united to promote and demand change. The NO MORE initiative was the most known. As of 2013, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization has been renewed for five more years, which provides more protection for women wh o are in college, immigrants, members of a tribe and the LGBT community (History of the Battered Women s Movement, 2015). Dawn (1999) assures there is a â€Å"culture of violence against women.† His comment highlights the fact that violence is a learned behavior. World Health Organization (2015) states that a key fact about domestic violence is witnessing violence in the family. Although being exposed to domestic violence does not guarantee they will batter; that experience places them at a higherShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence And Violence Against Women1662 Words   |  7 Pagesdefinition of domestic violence is, â€Å"Violent confrontation between family or household members involving physical harm, sexual assault, or fear of physical harm†. Domestic violence takes place in many forms, including physical assault, threats, sexual abuse, intimidation, etc. Domestic violence destroys the meaning behind a home and the feeling of a safe environment. No one man, woman, or child deserves to be abused. The abuser is the one who should take responsibility of the violence occurring, notRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women815 Words   |  4 Pagesrecent data available from 2015, it was disclosed that nearly 92,000 Canadians had report to the police an incident related to domestic violence; of this number, 80% of them were women (Burczycka, 2017). It is then no surprise that intimate partnership violence has been found to be one of the major causes of violence against women in Canada (Ministry of the Status of Women, 2015). Many agencies focus on supporting directly the female victims and providing them with secured shelters and safe spacesRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women.1262 Words   |  6 PagesNguyen Race Law Prof TA december 11, 2014 Domestic Violence against Women Domestic violence is a big social issue in the United States today, as well as all over the world. Domestic violence can be between sibling abuse, elder abuse, spouse abuse, and of course child abuse. But when one talks about spouse abuse it is not just from a marital stand point, but also a dating partner who is in an intimate relationship with each other. Domestic violence is not simply hitting, fighting, verbal argumentRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women966 Words   |  4 Pages Domestic Violence against Women Name Course Instructor Institution Date of submission Domestic Violence against Women Domestic violence is known in different ways, which are domestic abuse, intimate partner or battering. Domestic violence occurs in a relationship between intimate people. It can take many forms including sexual and physical abuse, threat of abuse and emotional. Domestic violence is mostly directed towards women, though men are abused but chances are minimal. Domestic violence happensRead MoreDomestic Violence And Violence Against Women2254 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction â€Å"Domestic violence is a type of abuse by one or both partners in marriage, friends, family, dating or cohabitation† (Aziz Mahmoud, 2010). There are many forms of abuse from verbal and emotional to physical that often escalates over time in intensity for the victim. Data from the criminal justice system, hospital patient medical records and mental health records, police reports, surveys and social services reports of thousands of women revealed that many are injured and killed as aRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women6693 Words   |  27 PagesIntroduction Violence in the home is a subject of increasingly public concern. According to Davis in the Encyclopedia of Social Work, The most affected victims, physically and psychologically, are women, including single and married women and women separated or divorced from their partners (Davis, 1995, p.789). For years violence against women has been excluded from everyday conversations for many reasons. Women of all races and social levels are victims of violence in the home. There areRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women? Essay3283 Words   |  14 PagesDomestic Violence against Women Domestic violence against women refers to structural acts of aggression, sadism, pain, and oppression that are gender-based resulting to physical, psychological, and sexual harm, and suffering to women. Coercing, arbitrary deprivation of liberty and threatening to engage in actions causing harm and suffering either in public or private to women also constitute gender-based domestic violence. According to Black et al. (2011), gender-based roots of violence and aggressionRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women1829 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿Domestic Violence against Women as a Grave Threat to Society Domestic violence, or intimate partner violence as it is also referred, is a serious problem in today’s society. This paper will focus on physical violence and abuse against women, though other types of abuse exist. Despite new and emerging laws, advocates speaking out, and a slight decrease in overall reported domestic violence incidents, women are still victims. There are adverse effects to prolonged and/or severe abuse, not the leastRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women Act910 Words   |  4 PagesDomestic violence affects millions of Americans in different circumstances annually. Over the years, the numbers of reported cases of domestic violence gained stable growth prompting social activists and legislators to draw stiff measures to counter the problem. About one in four women are affected by domestic violence in the United States. The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that at least four-hundred and seven-thousand incidents of domestic violence crimes were commit ted in the year 2010Read MoreDomestic Violence Against Men and Women1449 Words   |  6 PagesDomestic Violence against Men and Women Sandra Marable Kaplan University CM-220 Professor Freiteg May 20, 2013 Whenever the thought of domestic violence comes to mind, more than often the visual picture is a women or a child. However, there is another side that has been ignored because it is pushed under the rug. The unfortunate fact is that men are the victims of domestic violence at least as often as women are. While the very idea of men is being beaten by their wives

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Marketing Plan - Rosies Institute of Studies - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 11 Words: 3182 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? MARKETING PLAN Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 2.0 Introduction 3.0 Market Analysis 3.1 Description 3.2 Competitor Analysis 3.2.1 Market position 3.3 SWOT analysis 3.3.1 Internal factors 3.3.2 Weakness 3.4 External Factors 3.4.1 Opportunity 3.4.2 Threats 3.5 PEST analysis 3.5.1 Political analysis 3.5.2 Economic factors 3.5.3 Social analysis 3.5.4 Ever changing Technology 4.0 Customer Analysis: 4.1 What they want: 4.2 Value Drivers: 4.3 Decision Process: 4.4 Support Requirements: 4.5 Price Sensitivity: 4.6 How to reach them: 4.6.1 Social Events: 4.6.2 Seminars: 4.6.3 Advertisement: 4.7 Ideal Customer: 5.0 Market strategy (mix): 5.1 Product: 5.2 Price: 5.3 Place: 5.4 Personality: 6.0 Marketing Promotion: 6.1 Direct marketing: 6.2 Internet Marketing: 6.3 Public Relations: 6.4 Advertising: 6.5 Projected outcomes: 7.0 Conclusion: Executive Summary: Marketing simply means creating demand for your product. In todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s fast moving world where every corporation or company is trying to build up their business, marketing plays an anchor role for such companies. Now, we canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t even think about profit if there is no strong marketing in place. The companies who are giving much importance to marketing are leading the market today. i.e. McDonaldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s, KFC etc. In this assignment I have tried to make a marketing plan for R.I.S College, which comes under the education market. The education market has really rocketed from the last 3-4 years in New Zealand. With the help of this assignment I have tried to lighten some points which play a key role in this market. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Marketing Plan Rosies Institute of Studies" essay for you Create order Introduction: Rosieà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Institute of Studies (R.I.S) is one of the well-known institutions in New Zealand. This institution was established ten years ago by Marion Kerepeti Edwards (Currently working as Director of this Institute). With the lots of experience in education industry. R.I.S has maintained a very competitive position in the education market and is highly preferred by most of the International and Local students. The college is currently providing business (Level-5, 6, 7) and I.T (Level-5) courses to the students. 3.0 Market Analysis: 3.1 Description: The education market in New Zealand has really grown up from the last 4-5 years. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s the quality of education and possibility of bright future that is still luring the international students to come and study in New Zealand. No doubt New Zealand economy is strongly supported by the education market. But now the scenario has totally changed. Now this industry has not remained a profitable industr y. Basically there are two reasons behind that. 1) With the introduction of new rules by Immigration of New Zealand (which comes to effect after 2nd of April, 2012) the number of international students specially form Asia has decreased. 2) Competition in the local Market has made the situation even tougher. For example: If the college is ready to provide good quality of education but with a high fees, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s very much possible that such college might be facing many problems. 3.2 Competitor Analysis: 3.2.1 Market position: About 4-5 years back there were very few government and private institutes which were providing studies to the local and International students. But now every month a new institution is introduced in the market. Thus, competition has become very touch today. Moreover, some colleges like Royal Business College, Prime International College, and N.Z.I.O.S College are giving tough competition to R.I.S with their attractive market approach, quick services and fee structure. The only thing which is still favoring R.I.S is its teaching staff. As a student I have seen that students are very much impressed with the tutors behavior and teaching style. No doubt R. I. S. has a very good marketing team due to which numbers of students have studied in this college but within few months I have seen a major drawback of students in the college. Thus, the output is not coming. Secondly, with the closure of Manukau branch is also not helping the institute much. Yes, the Manukau branch was expensive and not much income was coming but. It has become the first choice for the local students. 3.3 SWOT analysis: 3.3.1 Internal factors: Strength: Every college has some strength which helps the college to compete and maintain its position in the market. As far as R.I S is concerned it also has some good points which are enabling R.I.S to merge in the market. Maori Territory Education Provider: R.I.Sà ¢ â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s strength is that ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a lonely Maori education provider. All other education institutes are being run by Asians or Chinese. But, R.I.S is totally opposite. Due to this benefit of point R.I S is getting the support of local people. Vast amount of experience: R.I.S is among few those colleges of New Zealand who has well experienced staff. Right from the Director to the Tutors and from Marketing Executives to C.S.R, all have worked in the industry for many years. They know their job very well. This experience really counts because if we are talking about the education industry it all depends on contacts and links in the market. Also experience brings knowledge. The combination of these two is really very important for any education provider if he wants to be successful. Branches outside Auckland: There are not many colleges who have their branches outside Auckland. R.I.S does have two branches running outside in Taranga and C hristchurch. These branches are indirectly helping the institution financially. Secondly, it gives variety to the international students also to study outside of Auckland and make their career. Strong marketing team: As I mentioned earlier this industry all relies on marketing and luckily R.I.S has got some good marketing staff lead by Mr. Ross Read and is very well supported by other members. Experienced Tutors: Every Institution is mostly judged through the number of students and the teaching staff. I am very pleased to say that R.I.S has got very good tutors and administration. Friendly attitude and motivating ability is what makes them special. Students like such kind of things and indirectly ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s very beneficial for the institution as well. 3.3.2 Weakness: If this institute has some qualities at the same time it has some weak points also. Lack of variety in the marketing team: The major drawback of the marketing t eam is it has only Asian employees. Due to which mostly students come from India, Fiji, and Sri Lanka, Pakistan to study because they will target the Asian side only. No students are coming from China and other European countries because the college doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t have employees who can focus on such market. We all know the importance of China. The variety of students makes a big impact to the college profile. Around 60-70 % of students who come to New Zealand for study are Chinese. Thus, The College is lacking in this field. Having only Indian students: R.I.S only has Indian students in the institute. Yes, having number of Indian students are not a bad thing but its side effect is that students from other communities do not like Indian students. Due to which there are not much variety of students coming to R.I.S. Less variety of courses: R.I.S has courses related to business and I.T only. There are number of students who are interested in doing Hospitality, Management and cookery courses. If the college wants to maintain its position in the market it has to introduce some more courses because then the college will have the variety for the students and can bring interest of students to join R.I.S. Drawbacks in advertisements in Local and International market: Advertisement is the key weapon for every institute. There are many institutes in New Zealand who donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t have a very good building but still they are able to bring in number of students. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s all due to their strong advertising. R.I.S is lacking in it. First comes the website itself. We all know that website is like the identity of any college. Mostly, students get lured if the website is good, but ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s not in the case of this institute. The institute needs to update it time to time. Moreover, not much advertisement is being done on Radio. In New Zealand large number of people listens to the radio. Suc h tactics needs to be applied. Lack of Flexibility: R.I.S is not running according to the current market trends. Whether its Courses fee or introduction of new courses. Such things are affecting the college straight away. 3.4 External Factors: 3.4.1 Opportunity: The education industry changes very quickly. Thus, there is always an opportunity of gaining some profit in the market. R.I.S should try to pay its attention towards the Chinese students because most of the surveys are suggesting that in the upcoming years highest number of students is looking to come to New Zealand for studies. 3.4.2 Threats: There are some threats which R.I.S should look forward: Increasing number of colleges: The numbers of colleges are increasing day by day. Due to which the ratio of students are also getting affected. Less fee: Due to the decrease of international students colleges have started paying attention to the local market. Many colleges h ave drop down their fees straight away. This has hammered R.I.S also. 3.5 PEST analysis: 3.5.1 Political analysis: New Zealand is seen as a very good country to study. The government is also encouraging the education providers. Thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s why mostly, students of different cultures and countries come to New Zealand for a better future. This friendly education environment is very beneficial for R.I.S. More over the director of the institute Marion Kerepeti Edwards is also form Maori community due to which ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s being liked and appreciated by the local community as well. 3.5.2 Economic factors: Economically New Zealand comes under the developing countries of the world. NZ currency is going up very quickly. A survey done in year 2011 shows that New Zealand government gets around 30-40% annual income from the education providers. This shows the value of colleges in this country. Such facts seems sweet when we are talking about an education inst itution like R.I.S 3.5.3 Social analysis: New Zealand is a multi-cultural Country. People of different countries can be found in one origin here. The social environment is also very good for the education industry because mostly foreigners take study to remain legal in this country or some times to fulfill their job requirements they take business or other courses. Thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s why institution like R.I.S can look forward to grow their business in New Zealand. 3.5.4 Ever changing Technology: Technology is such thing which cannot be bonded. Every now and then we come to know about the new technology in the market. To maintain a good standard R.I.S has to catch with the latest technology, which its being trying to but still there is a long way to go. We all know that young generation is easily attracted by such things. Thus, the college needs to implement these things. 4.0 Customer Analysis: Estimated Percentage of sales: Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s very m uch clear from the graph that year 2011 proves to be very profitable for R.I.S. But on the flip side Year 2012 (currently running) has not bring much to the institute. It might be the effect of the new rules introduced by the immigration due to which very less international students are coming to New Zealand especially from India. 4.1 What they want: Understanding of studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s attitude and approach for international study is very pivotal in this field. The colleges who are more concerned about all such things and are working on it are now being able to bring more students to their college. Mostly students look for such kind of provider which may be of good standard, which has appropriate fees structure and especially which will be providing some extra facilities to the international students. I think R.I.S should put more efforts in these areas. 4.2 Value Drivers: There are few things in this business which serves as value drivers in this industry. Servi ce and Student support. The college which is good in these two things is always being liked by the students. If we talk about R.I.S, yes no doubt student support is there, but there lack in the field of service. I think the college needs to work on this thing. 4.3 Decision Process: There is no doubt in the fact that studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ decision ability is lured by many things. Like: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢College Presentation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Strength of students à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢The ability of college representator. All these factors certainly affect studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s approach. 4.4 Support Requirements: Every institution needs some sort of support whether it is financial or moral. It always works. R.I.S has got support from the investors, but as per my knowledge thing have stated changing. Probably that would be the reason that Otahuhu branch is being closed. Therefore, college has to pull their socks so that they can stand tall in the market and bring t he investors in. 4.5 Price Sensitivity: In local market course price matters a lot. Yes, international students didnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t worry much about the college fee but when students spent some time in New Zealand he becomes more aware about all such things. Bringing such students in the college is really a very big ask. If the price is acceptable, the marketers can easily impress the students. Thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s why price sensitivity always matters. 4.6 How to reach them: There is a lot of competition going on in these days. Colleges have to reach to the students. There are number of things which can help colleges to do so: 4.6.1 Social Events: Social events are a very good place to gain some attention of youth. These are the perfect places where the colleges can do some marketing 4.6.2 Seminars: Arranging some seminars can also make a big difference in the numbers game. Such seminars help the students to learn more knowledge about the college. 4 .6.3 Advertisement: In New Zealand Radio is the best means of advertisement. By going on line to the Radio and answering students question can bring the confidence of students for the college. 4.7 Ideal Customer: Youth is the ideal customers for the colleges. Mainly students who are studying in senior secondary look forward to establish their career in abroad. By paying visit to such schools, telling them about the college and giving them presentation can change things quickly. 5.0 Market strategy (mix): Before heading towards any task proper market strategy is very important. There are some issues which plays key role while making any strategy. 5.1 Product: Courses serve as product in this education industry. Therefore, college needs to have variety of products under its pocket. Courses like Horticulture, Short skilled courses i.e. carpenter electrical, Management courses, Hospitality and cookery etc. No doubt bringing all courses together is very difficult but at least some courses should be in product list of college. 5.2 Price: Price of courses also plays a major role in diverting students mind especially, for the international students. I think College should set the price according to the current market position. If other colleges are bringing their course rates down there is no mean to bond the course rates. Unique selling point is what a college should try to have. 5.3 Place: Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s very important to understand the value of the place where the courses are going to be deliver .Otahuhu was the key spot for the local students. Yes, not much response was received at the starting but slowly people have started knowing about the college. AS per my knowledge, Otahuhu campus was directly giving competition to the near colleges like N.I.T.T, A.U.T etc. 5.4 Personality: Personality matters a lot. As far as R.I.S is concerned I have seen a drawback in college personality in the recent time. Agents who have been in touch with the college are not happy with the service .Commissions are not given properly in time. All this straightly affect the market value of college. R.I.S needs to stop all such things and try to rebuild their fame in the market. 6.0 Marketing Promotion: Promotion is the prime need of today. Without the proper promotion we canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t expect much from the market. There are several ways of doing it. 6.1 Direct marketing: Direct marketing is not like a cup of tea. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a very tough job to perform. The people who are doing this job should have ample of experience to do it. But it brings very positive results also. Because of face to face interaction students comes to know more about the college. 6.2 Internet Marketing: Internet marketing is the latest type of marketing which is being used today by almost all the colleges. R.I.S also has a very good website but still it needs some changes. Mostly students look the college site to get more information about the college. But, In R.I.S site, there is not much to see. Time to time update is needed. 6.3 Public Relations: Public support and good relation can also be very beneficial for the college .Good public support can bring fame for the college. To achieve all that the college executives needs to participate in the public functions etc. and try to tell people about the college. This may also be very helpful. 6.4 Advertising: Advertising is the key weapon behind the success in New Zealand. R.I.S is lacking in this field also. Radio is liked by most of the people here. I think the college should use this mean also. 6.5 Projected outcomes: There are few things which need certain attention. If ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s being done properly not only the sales will boost up but at the same time the college market value will also grow. We all know that whatever is done but the thing which matters is profit. If there is no profit there is no mean in s ticking to one plan. So, changing time to time and adopting new techniques is very important for the success. 7.0 Conclusion: Hammering the last nail I can conclude that running an educational organization is like walking on eggs. I have seen number of changes in the New Zealand education market within the last two years. After the new rules of immigration come in action (2nd of April, 2012) the number of international students has decreased. The colleges are working hard to increase the number of students same as R.I.S is doing. I think it will take some time to change the situation. Because international students will slowly accept the new rules of two years education. Secondly, as a student of R.I.S for the last seven months, I have seen many changes in the institute and have found that the institute has not done very well this year as compared to other colleges. For example; N.Z.I.O.S college which was about to close last year is doing extremely well at the moment. The reason behind that is N.Z.I.O.S reduces its college fee from $5800 to $4800 which has impressed most of the local students. R.I.S should look forward to all such little but valuable changes to improve their position in the market.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Mystery of Business Analysis Essay Samples That Nobody Is Talking About

The Mystery of Business Analysis Essay Samples That Nobody Is Talking About Free Business Analysis essay samples can be found FreeEssayHelp with no payment or registration. Moreover, you are able to also take a look at our Essay Outline Templates, which will be able to help you structure your essays. Analysis essays are many times assigned to the students with a view to examine and increase their analytical abilities, there may be several varieties of analysis. They are your best friends. Movie essay writing can be a rather interesting assignment as you don't need to devote hours and hours into research work. If you're still unable to edit and revise your essays then we are here in order to assist you, just stick to the directions given below. The essay isn't the simplest task to master. Writing an essay on business is a complex job. A History of Business Analysis Essay Samples Refuted For example, the function of Business Analysts in regard to owners has something to do with the practice of documenting and confirming projects. Instead managers should look to respond to every situation individually and handle the stress that may lead to order to keep overall heights of stress in their organisation for an acceptable level. Even in precisely the same country, there can be differences in laws based on whether the company site is in a free zone or elsewhere. On the flip side, Business Analysts may also help in the practice of securing the goals of the project tha t ought to be in accord with the priorities of the company owners. Writing a business analysis usually means that you've got the entire future of the organization upon your shoulder. Planning involves making of tasks which must be accomplished within the given time period. Business isn't a sheet of cake. Gossip, Deception and Business Analysis Essay Samples The introduction usually starts out with some kind of background details. If you would like to use paper samples, don't forget about plagiarism and its consequences. Nevertheless, so as to gain from paper samples, you want to understand the way to use them appropriately. If you would like to use a paper sample, look closely at the question it discusses. Articles and books are frequently the topic of the majority of analyses essays. If you're looking for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. Clearly, writing an essay on this issue of marijuana is too general. Critical essay may also open novel ways about how to approach the topic which may lead to additional appreciation of it. It is a form of academic writing. Students just need to open their books, choose a character and get started writing an essay on it. Literature students read a good deal. A vital essay is intended to be informative, meaning that all claims ought to be backed up by a credible evidence instead of simply stated because it strikes the author's fancy. Therefore, an analytical essay is a bit of writing that supplies an informative observation about the particular topic or idea. The argumentative essay has a particular format that has to be followed to blow the mind of the reader, and it's particularly helpful for students and the corporate when making strategic proposals. Writing a critical essay gives us the opportunity to take a look at things from a different standpoint. The Hidden Gem of Business Analysis Essay Samples Then, one is also required to recogniz e questions in the report to deal with the specific troubles. One of the most typical forms of analysis that college and higher school students perform. Even if you discover some topic, you should probably customize it heavily to ensure it is suitable for your assignment requirements. Exactly like a business may not be established without a suitable plan, research topics on business also need proper planning to be accomplished perfectly. At length, Business Analysts can be useful regarding carefully specifying their roles and responsibilities to produce the project work. First of all, they make sure that requirements are met properly according to the needs of the project at hand. They can also contribute to a project's success by ensuring that user involvement will be taken into consideration. A Business Analyst is to blame for doing many pertinent tasks that may impact the projects at hand.